Welcome to my Pages for my Korean Ball Jointed Dolls!
Of course, it's totally under construction right now.
Soon, I hope to have some (more?) galleries and photos up. I'm really sorry it's in such an unfinished state right now! Some of the links don't work on the menu to the left. But the thumbnails below will link to larger-sized images.

LA DOLPA 2 (Easter Weekend) -- 3/26/05
L.A. Arboretum

A smaller group than last time showed up... about 9 or ten people. We gathered out front and waited, taking pictures, then paid admission and went in... at first parking at a picnic table, and then walking over to a small pond. The grounds were large and spread-out... not quite as picturesque as the Huntington Library. But at least we didn't get (too) hassled by suspicious guards. Afterwards we went off to Marie Callendar's for dinner. It was a lovely day and we all enjoyed it.