April's Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls

I had resolved to be on a Dolly-Diet... for as long as possible, anyway. I got to about 150 days and then I went to a small meetup at Ms Cholong's place. She used to run the Artmaze Store in Glendale, CA, first selling Elfdoll dolls, then becoming the DollHeart USA rep (along with RubyRed Galleria and others). But the physical shop closed a few years ago and went on-line only. Ms Cholong had the store showcases recent set up in her living room, full of DollHeart and other items. And there were dolls... with a sign saying they were for sale for $99.

Well, at that price, my resistance was nil. I snapped up a cute boy. He had a lovely faceup and pretty blue eyes and came with a wig of my choice. I only later discovered what sculpt he was... Gah... I have the BJD-bug and it seems it'll never go away (nor do I really wish it to!)


NAME: “Gwenaël” Guénaël , Gwenaël / Gwenael. Gender: Male. Pronunciation: gwe-NAH-el. Origin: Celtic (Breton). Meaning: Blessed and generous


COMPANY: JollyPlus, assoc. with DollHeart (Hong Kong based co.)

SIZE: Large (~61cm size)

HEAD SCULPT: Arbor, basic (not Limited).

BODY SCULPT: Code V (large) Boy Body (newer double-jointed version).

SKIN TONE: Basic (Normal) Skin

MAKEUP (Faceup): Company (not the current Arbor default)..

PURCHASED FROM: Ms Cholong, DollHeart USA,

PURCHASE DATE: 2013-AUGUST-10. Lightening Meetup.

DOLL MADE: Sometime between 2007 to 2011, probably latter years because of double-jointing.

CAME WITH: Faceup, Choice of wig, box, pillows.


Box Opening-- The Box... no shipping, so I just hauled this box home with me.

Box Opening-- There he is... old style with just the typical bjd pillows.

Box Opening-- With wig that I picked (quickly) to go with him.

In DollHeart wig and DollHeart "Lloyd" outfit....

On a Harley. With photo background from ebay.

DH Lloyd outfit.

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